Home Page

St Joseph the Worker

Catholic Primary School

Year 6

Year 6

Dear Class 6,




This half term, we are studying World War 2 and the Blitz. In class we are reading Goodnight Mister Tom.


Our PE days are on Mondays and Thursdays.  Please make sure your child is wearing the full school PE kit. 


Please see the homework grid below for your weekly options.


Please don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions. 



Mrs Ayers, Mrs Lyons and Miss Hession


Choose one item from the activities each week to complete.

Activity 1

Activity 2

Activity 3

Write a book review

Choose your favourite book to write an in-depth book review.  You should include the title and author, a synopsis of the story, your favourite characters and explain why you would recommend it.  If you’d like to get creative you can even design a new front cover!

Make a World War II aeroplane

Imagine what it would have been like, watching planes battling it out above you in the 1940’s skies.  Well our classroom will soon be filled with models of British and German planes fighting it out above our heads!  Just make a plane out of whatever you can and paint it in British or German colours.  There will be prizes for the most inventive and beautifully designed.

Go to Mass on Sunday

Retell the Gospel in your own words, either as a written story or in a comic strip format.




Activity 4

Activity 5

Activity 6

Cook a meal

Pick your favourite dinner or desert to make for your family.  Go shopping for the ingredients, carefully follow the recipe, set the table and let your parents put their feet up (but don’t forget to clean up after!)

Feel free to send in any photos of your masterpieces.

Write a list of things

Imagine that World War II has just broken out.  You are told by your parents that you are evacuating tomorrow and may only pack 10 things into a small suitcase to take with you.  Write a list of the things you will take and explain why you have chosen those items (remember you are an evacuee in War Time Britain).




Timetable Rock Stars


The children will bring reading books home weekly. Books need to be brought to school every day. Children are expected read daily.

Please ensure your child reads every day and that they are keeping a record of what they have read in their reading diary.

Parents, please sign to say your child has read each evening.



A new spelling rule will come home weekly, which the children will have been exposed to in school. Please ensure that spellings are practised frequently.

Spelling tests will take place on Fridays.




Please ensure that children are accessing timetable rockstars. Practising little and often is effective.

Try for 10 minutes per day!









Summer 1 MTP

Spring 2 Curriculum overview
