Welcome to the Class 1 page!
Class 1 Spring Term
A very warm welcome back to the Spring term, I hope you all had a restful Christmas period and are excited to start back at school with lots of new topics and activities to take place.
In the classroom, Mrs O'Toole will be supporting us full-time and Miss Cremins shall be supporting us on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
Our PE days remain on Tuesday and Wednesday. Please ensure full PE kit is worn or alternatively, plain black clothing.
As the weather becomes colder, please ensure that children have a coat, hat and gloves for playtimes. We would be grateful if these items are all labelled clearly.
Below, you will find a copy of the Spring Curriculum map to tell you more about what we are learning. Further, the Spring homework grid will be found below.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Miss McElhill, Mrs O'Toole and Miss Cremins.
Meet the Teacher - September 16th 2024.
Click on the link below to access your online reading books.
Your child's username and password for Active Learn are on their Log In Card. You will find your child's Log In Card in their reading packet.
The school code is SJTW