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St Joseph the Worker

Catholic Primary School

Pastoral Care

"I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me"

John 10:14


At St Joseph the Worker, pastoral care is fundamental to all that we do. We are a community, inspired by Christ’s commandment to love God and our neighbours, where everyone is valued and each person's unique talents are celebrated and developed. We want our children to gain the essential skills that will prepare them to be happy, healthy and confident individuals and responsible citizens for the future.

We aim to create and maintain an environment where our children will flourish, growing in their relationship with God and with one another, learning to love, respect, accept and forgive.


We promote the dignity, self-esteem and full development of each person made in God’s image and uniquely loved by God. Our whole school approach to pastoral care and support has its basis in the ethos of Catholic education with its concern for the whole person and the development of every child’s unique gifts. We promote personal dignity, respect and charity within the pupils, providing a safe and caring environment for our children to grow as confident, happy learners, to maintain positive relationships with others and to make a contribution to their community and the wider world.

Mental Health and Wellbeing

The World Health Organisation’s definition of mental health and wellbeing is: “a state of wellbeing in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community”.


We take a whole school approach to promoting the wellbeing of all of our community and ensuring that pupils and staff are positive, resilient and able to deal with the stresses of our modern world. 


Our Pastoral Aims:

  • Our children feel valued and important
  • Our children have a sense of belonging and feel safe
  • Our children feel able to talk openly with trusted adults about their problems
  • Our children form and maintain positive relationships
  • Our children are happy, confident learners who reach their full potential
  • Our children are resilient and able to manage setbacks positively, viewing mistakes as an essential part of learning
  • Our staff enable and support early identification of vulnerable pupils and early intervention of need
  • Positive mental health is promoted and valued
  • No child experiences bullying or descrimination in our school community