We aim to provide a relevant and interesting curriculum which develops the whole child. We have high expectations of children academically while understanding that their social, emotional, physical and spiritual development are just as important if they are to live happy and fulfilling lives.
The framework for the children's learning is provided by the National Curriculum which sets out the core subjects of Maths, English and Science along with ICT, PE, History, Geography, design and Technology, Art, Music and French. We also teach Citizenship, Personal, Social and Health education (CPSHE) attaching great importance to the development of social skills. The curriculum encourages children to develop self-discipline and responsibility and to work collaboratively with others.
The R.E Curriculum is central to all our teaching. We follow the national scheme, Come and See.
Great emphasis is placed on learning the basic skills of Literacy and Numeracy. As well as teaching these lessons separately, we are always looking for ways of making them more interesting to the children by linking them to other subjects as we believe that a creative curriculum where areas of learning are linked, motivates children to learn more effectively. To support this, children can work with the latest technology. We have interactive whiteboards in each classroom, a well resourced ICT suite, and a set of laptops, for classroom use. The children are taught to use these skilfully whilst having regard for the rules of internet safety – all important skills for life!
Staff keep up to date with the latest research in how children learn and plan their lessons accordingly. They try to tailor teaching and learning strategies to the needs and interests of the children and this includes out of school learning opportunities as well as visitors into school such as visiting speakers, musicians and drama groups and trips to heritage sites, museums, art galleries, places of worship and live web chats.
At the start of each term parents receive an overview of the main topics to be covered by their child's class. These can also be accessed by clicking your child's year group.
Our approach to reading is detailed below.
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